----------- Test your IQ-----------
+ "This is the Only Level" and "How smart are you?"
+ 30 tests (30 stages) are ready to challenge your brain now!
----------- Description -----------
+ The elephant forgot the rest of the levels, but luckily he still has one left! Help him beat it in all his metagaming glory.
+ Use your keen knowledge of gaming and dexterity to manhandle your way through a variety of challenges. Get your mind out of the box for once! Take it outside for a walk, or maybe grab a bite to eat with it.
+ Oh, and beat the level. Theres only one.
----------- Controls -----------
Left/Right Controls, but I am told not to tell you any more than that. The elephant says so.
Apple Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/this-is-the-only-level/id905966126